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来源:互联网    时间:2023-06-13 04:47:07


1、名词patty:1. small flat mass of chopped food同义词:cake2. small pie or pasty小的肉馅饼3. round flat candy例句1. I made some patties for them. 我给他们做了一些小馅饼。

2、 2. A patty of chopped meat or fish, usually coated with bread crumbs and fried; a flat croquette. 炸肉饼一种用剁碎的肉或鱼制成的小馅饼,通过外裹面包屑煎炸而成;不加佐料的炸丸子 3. A sandwich made with a patty of ground meat usually in a roll or bun. 汉堡包一种三明治,通常在面包卷或小面包中夹入这种碎牛肉饼制成 4. Patty dawdled away four years in college. 帕蒂在大学里混了四年。


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